Welcome to Dunghutti Country

Our ‘Welcome to Dunghutti Country’ Exhibition is a celebration of the rich cultural heritage of the Dunghutti creative community.

Featuring the work of a range of contemporary art and cultural artefacts, this exhibition explores the timeless connection of Dunghutti people to their Country, culture and ancestral stories.

Dreamed up on Dunghutti songlines, ‘Welcome to Dunghutti Country’ is a generous invitation to share the vibrancy, diversity and resilience of First Nations cultural heritage.

Showing 13th April to 15th June 2024
Opening Event
Friday 3rd May 4pm - 5.30pm 
Pictured Artwork - On the Move, by Rachel Cross


The Thunggutti/Dunghutti (also known as Dhanggati or Dainggatti) people have lived in the Macleay region for millennia, from the saltwater coastal areas to the freshwater country upstream and the mountain country to the west. 
Ancient sites are found across the region, from camp sites and boras through to landscape-scale sites such as the Stuarts Point-Clybucca Midden.
Contemporary places that document the impacts of colonisation on the Aboriginal community include the Kinchela Boys Home and the Mission sites at Burnt Bridge and Greenhill.